Practice for Osteopathy

Marcel Leibbrand


Telephone: 070-5115450

Rates / reimbursement

The price of an Osteopathy consultation is Euro 95,-

The amount due can be paid directly following your session, either by cash or (preferably) by debit card / pin card.

The invoice you receive upon payment can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement.

The Practice for Osteopathy Marcel Leibbrand is a member of the Dutch Association of Osteopathy (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Osteopathie, NVO) and is listed with the Dutch Register of Osteopathy (Nederlands Register voor Osteopathie, NRO).


Each year, Marcel Leibbrand participates in various trainings to advance his skills and learn the latest techniques in osteopathic treatment. By being registered with the NRO, the cost of treatment for his patients are fully or partially covered by their health insurance provider under the supplementary insurance packages. An overview of reimbursement policy from each insurance company can be found on the website of the NVO or the verzorgingswijzer.



It is not necessary to have a referral from your (family) doctor for osteopathic treatment. Since your treatment is covered by the supplementary insurance packages, these costs do not fall under the own risk policy (‘eigen risico’ / ‘eigen bijdrage’).


Cancellation Policy

When you are unable to make your appointment and cancel at least 24 hours in advance, you will not be charged for the reserved time.

Practice for Osteopathy

Marcel Leibbrand


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